ርዕዮትና እስክንድር የአውሮፓ ህብረት በሚያዘጋጀው “ሻካሮቭ የነጻነት ሽልማት” የ2013 ተሸላሚ ለመሆን ከሰባቱ እጩዎች ውስጥ ገቡ፡፡
ርዕዮትና እስክንድር የአውሮፓ ህብረት በሚጋጀው “ሻካሮቭ የነጻነት ሽልማት” የ2013 ተሸላሚ
ለመሆን ከሰባቱ እጩዎች ውስጥ ገቡ፡፡ ከ15 ቀን በኋላ መስከረም 20 ለመጨረሻ ውድድር ሚቀሩት 3 እጩዎች የሚታወቁ
ሲሆን መስከረም 30 በሚደረገው የአውሮፓ ህብረት ፓርላማ ስብሰባ የአመቱ ተሸላሚ እንደሚለይ ከህብ
ረቱ መግለጫ ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡ ህዳር 11 ቀን በምስራቅ ፈረንሳይ በምትገኘው ስትራስበርግ ከተማ የሽልማት ስነስርዓቱ ይከናወናል፡፡
መልካም ዕድል ለርዕዮትና ለእስክንድር!
ሙሉ መግለጫው የሚከተለው ነው
2013 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought – seven nominations
Others Press release – External/international trade − 16-09-2013 – 20:2
The 2013 Sakharov Prize nominees, presented at a joint
meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Development committees and the Human
Rights Subcommittee on Monday, are: Malala Yousafzai (Pakistan), Ed
ward Snowden (USA), Reeyot Alemu and Eskinder Nega (Ethiopia), Ales Bialats
ki, Eduard Lobau and Mykola Statkevich (Belarus), Mikhail Khod
orkovsky (Russia), the “Standing Man” protesters (Turkey), and the CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern – Day Slavery (USA).
Malala Yousafzai – nominated jointly by 3 political groups:
• for the EPP group, by José Ignacio Salafranca (ES), Elmar Brok
(AT), Michael Gahler (DE), Arnaud Danjean (FR), Joseph Daul (FR), Gay
Mitchell (IE) and Mairead Mc Guinness (IE),
• for the S&D group, by Hannes Swoboda (DE) and Véronique de Keyser (BE),
• for the ALDE Group, by Guy Verhofstadt (BE), Sir Graham Watson (UK), and Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck (BE),
and also by Jean Lambert (Greens, UK) and the ECR group.
Ms Yousafzai was 11 years old when she began her fight for the right
to female education, freedom and self-determination in Pakistan’s Swat
Valley, where the Taliban regime bans girls from attending school, by
writing a blog under a pseudonym in 2009. She quickly became a prominent
voice against such abuses, and Taliban gunmen tried to assassinate here
in October 2012. She has since become symbol of the fight for women’s
rights and worldwide access to education.
Edward Snowden – nominated by the Greens/EFA group and GUE/NGL group
A computer expert who worked as a contractor for the US National
Security Agency and leaked details of its mass surveillance programmes
to the press, Mr Snowden has been charged with espionage in the USA and
is now living in temporary asylum in Russia.
Reeyot Alemu and Eskinder Nega – nominated by Ana Maria Gomes (S&D, PT) and 40 other MEPs
These Ethiopian journalists are serving prison terms on terrorism
charges. Ms Alemu was sentenced in January 2012 after writing columns
critical of the government, and Mr Nega was sentenced six months later,
after criticizing the prosecution of journalists and dissidents in
Ethiopia and writing about how an Arab Spring-like democracy movement
might arise there.
Ales Bialatski, Eduard Lobau and Mykola Statkevich,
representing all Belarusian political prisoners – nominated by Marek
Migalski (ECR, PL), Filip Kaczmarek (EPP, PL), Jacek Protasiewicz (EPP,
PL) and 39 other MEPs.
Belarusian presidential candidate Mr Statkevitch, “Malady Front”
activist Mr Lobau, President of the “Viasna” Human Rights Centre Mr
Bialiatski and other protesters have been in prison since December 2010,
when they protested in the streets of Minsk about the “fraudulent”
presidential elections that confirmed President Alexander Lukashenko in
Mikhail Khodorkovsky – nominated by Werner Schulz (Greens/EFA, DE) and 40 other MEPs
Russian businessman Mr Khodorkovsky was arrested on 25 October 2003,
after calling on President Putin to account for systemic corruption and
advocating an independent judicial system and respect for the rule of
law. He was charged with fraud and sentenced in May 2005 to nine years
in prison. In December 2010 further charges were brought against him,
and his sentence was prolonged until 2017.
“Standing Man” protesters – nominated by Marietje Schaake (ALDE, NL) and 40 other MEPs
Erdem Gündüz was the first man to stand and stare in the Taksim Square protests in Istanbul, which started on 17 June 2013. Later he was joined by others, making this form of protest a symbol of the peaceful movement for a liberal society respecting human rights and freedoms.
Erdem Gündüz was the first man to stand and stare in the Taksim Square protests in Istanbul, which started on 17 June 2013. Later he was joined by others, making this form of protest a symbol of the peaceful movement for a liberal society respecting human rights and freedoms.
The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery – nominated by Boris Zala (S&D, SK) and 40 other MEPs
This global media campaign against the slave trade, human
trafficking, and forced and child labour has issued over 400 reports
since 2011 highlighting the suffering of victims from Mauritania to
India to the Philippines.
Next steps
The Foreign Affairs and Development Committees and Human Rights
Subcommittee will hold another joint meeting on 30 September to vote on
the short list of the three finalists. The laureate will be chosen by
Parliament’s Conference of Presidents on 10 October in Strasbourg and
invited to the award ceremony on 20 November, also in Strasbourg.
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